Faces of Ford: Justine Reanney

Nov 19, 2024

To Justine Reanney, challenges aren’t to be viewed as setbacks or stop signs.

Instead, she’s learned to welcome them as motivators, provokers of curiosity and sources of growth – a mindset she’s learned throughout life and her 23-year career at Ford.

Justine, now Ford’s general manager of China Exports, says her biggest challenges have shaped the person and leader she is today.

When she was young, Justine was diagnosed with dyslexia, a condition that affects skills involved in reading, spelling and writing.

“I realized early on that I had to work harder and dig deeper,” says Justine. “It taught me to never give up just because something is difficult, and that anyone is capable of learning something new.”

Justine’s career has taken her across different regions and skill teams, and she describes the complexities of navigating diverse markets as a constant learning curve.

But that growth opportunity is motivating, she says.

“When I was promoted into the role of director of product strategy, Asia Pacific, I only had experience with 50 percent of the job. It gave me the confidence to take on assignments and positions that I hadn’t done before. I now know I can overcome anything if I put my mind to it.”

Justine’s leadership philosophy is rooted in her own experiences, and it is advice she often gives to women.

“Know who you are, and know you are good enough to meet whatever challenges will come your way,” she says. “Always do what the business needs you to do without being told.  A strong team is the greatest gift you can have as a leader, but it's up to you to build and nurture it.”

Now, Justine and her team are taking on another challenge important to the IMG business.

“What excites me is the opportunity to build something new,” says Justine. “We’re building relationships with our JV partners in China to expand Ford’s China-based product portfolio, broaden our capabilities to support world-class exports, and create growth opportunities for our team in China.”

Beyond the office, Justine finds balance in the simple pleasures of family, friends and the beach. “It is my happy place,” she says, describing early morning walks, paddleboarding adventures, and evenings filled with laughter and home-cooked meals.

Justine’s greatest source of inspiration are her friends and colleagues who have succeeded in goals that are personally important to them.

“I have a friend whose dream was to complete the IRONMAN® World Championship in Kona. She kept missing out on placing in the qualifying races, but eventually she finished enough full IRONMAN races to qualify under the legacy category. Her grit is inspiring.”

Of the hundreds of inspirational quotes she’s collected through the years, her favorite is from legendary children’s author Dr. Seuss.

“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know, and you are the one who'll decide where to go.”



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