Elena Ford Inaugurates Ford Spain’s Global Caring Month 2023

Sep 28, 2023

MADRID, Spain –Elena Ford, Henry Ford’s great-great granddaughter and recently appointed Chief Dealer Engagement Officer of Ford Motor Company, was in Spain recently to help kick off Global Caring Month initiatives in the country.

Accompanied by volunteers, Ford Spain president Jesus Alonso, and José Pérez Artero, president of the Spanish Ford Dealers Association, she attended the Bobath Foundation in Madrid to inaugurate a space that will host the 'Ford Dream Park' - a site that will serve as a playground and activities for smaller residents of the community.

"Global Caring Month provides a chance to employees and dealers to focus on volunteering and supporting different projects around the world,” said Elena Ford, Chief Dealer Engagement Officer. “I am excited to be here in Madrid, and to see everyone working together to build this playground which will have a positive, lasting impact on the community.”

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Ford Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Company, works with international grant-making partner, GlobalGiving, to provides grants to employee-identified participating nonprofit organizations to support the purchase of tools and supplies to support projects.

Past projects have included building homes or renovating schools, cleaning up parks, installing clean water systems, distributing fresh food and more. This year, more than $830,000USD was awarded to 85 employee-nominated nonprofits and non-governmental organizations in 31 countries worldwide through the annual initiative.

“We are especially pleased by this first step we have taken in the Global Caring Month 2023," said Jesús Alonso, President and CEO of Ford Spain. "We love to think about what we are creating, this garden of dreams for the children of Bobath, and I really like the enthusiasm of the whole team of volunteers Ford to finish it as soon as possible.”