Ford of México: Transforming the work environment for young people

Oct 04, 2023

In response to the constant challenge of attracting and retaining young talent, Ford of México have demonstrated our commitment to new generations by implementing policies, programs and workspaces to foster their holistic well-being. This action has built an important workforce of 50% Millennials and 31% Generation Z.

This year, we obtained 3rd place in the Employers for Youth (EFY) ranking, being the only automotive company within the top three. EFY México is a comprehensive study that evaluates the workplace experience of professionals under 35 years old. With the participation of more than 22,000 young people from México´s 147 companies, this exhaustive analysis measures ten essential aspects ranging from recognition and business culture to quality of life and innovation.

This year's EFY study revealed that the aspects favored by Mexican young professionals were: reputation, diversity and culture, and quality of life; a sign that new generations value aspects beyond economic compensation and traditional benefits. At the same time, learning and job stability are still crucial for choosing and recommending a company, indicating a search for personal development and a safe work environment. Ford of México´s Global Technology and Business Center reaffirms the mission of building a solid and promising future for future professionals by having areas equipped for Product Development and innovation with a Maker Space, spaces to promote sports, dining room, medical service, among many other amenities. 

This recognition is added to other awards we have obtained throughout the year, such as the positions granted by Grupo Expansion and Top Companies as # 1 company in the country to work and a Top Company for Women. Let's continue together to build a promising future for Mexican youth!