Louisville Employee Shares Love of Family, a Cherished Heirloom and an Appreciation for Ford Motor Company

Jul 29, 2022

Family heirlooms come in all shapes and sizes, and Louisville Assembly Plant team member Austin Nutt owns a unique one. A fully restored two-door 1926 Ford Model T has been part of his family since it was brand new, purchased in West Virginia by John Henry Keesee, Nutt’s great-great-great grandfather. For Nutt, the Model T coupe symbolizes his love of family, his fondness for cars and his long connection with Ford Motor Company.

A second-generation Ford employee, Nutt works as a utility in the trim department at the Louisville plant. His father, Kyle Nutt, worked at Lorain Assembly Plant in the late 1980s, before transferring to Ohio Assembly Plant while his mother, Andrea Hurley, works at Kentucky Truck Plant. His uncle, Kevin Nutt, also worked for Ford in Ohio, transferring to Kentucky Truck Plant in 1996. Nutt’s stepmother, Jennifer Brooks Nutt, works at Kentucky Truck Plant as well.

“I’m on day shift, where I plan to stay until I can retire like my dad,” said Nutt. “Working for Ford is all I have ever known, and I couldn’t be happier than to give my family the life my dad was able to give us because of this job.”

When Nutt’s great-grandfather, a car collector, inherited the Model T, his sons drove it to school every day. One of those sons, Nutt’s grandfather, Russell Keesee, also used the car to deliver newspapers to more than 500 customers along his route. In the 1970s, most of the vehicles in the collection were moved to the Russell’s brother Curt’s farm. The Model T went on to sit in a barn for more than 25 years.
